[Qgis-user] osgeo4w 64 bit installer - postinstall errors

karsten karsten at terragis.net
Thu Feb 25 14:29:28 PST 2021

Hi All,
it seems that windows 7 is not compatible with at least the python version
3.9 contained with the new osgeo4w. I fixed this by upgrading to win 10
(which still worked for free) 
and got the  osgeo4w 64 installation to run through without errors.


From: karsten [mailto:karsten at terragis.net] 
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 00:58
To: 'QGIS User'
Subject: osgeo4w 64 bit installer - postinstall errors 

Hi All,
on my windows 7 machine I just downloaded the newest osgeo4w 64 bit
installer and ran advanced install. 
The process fails with the following post install errors below. My full log
file is here http://www.terragis.net/docs/other/qgis/setup.log
Any ideas how this can be solved ?
Package: Unknown package
 alkis-import.cmd exit code -6
 gdal-python.bat exit code -6
 grass.bat exit code -6
 grass64.bat exit code -6
 liblas.bat exit code -6
 msvcrt-2008.bat exit code -6
 msvcrt-2010.bat exit code -6
 msvcrt-2013.bat exit code -6
 msys.bat exit code -6
 netcdf.bat exit code -6
 opencl.bat exit code -6
 openssl.bat exit code -6
 openssl10.bat exit code -6
 pyqt5.bat exit code -6
 python-core.bat exit code -6
 python3-pip.bat exit code -6
 python3-setuptools.bat exit code -6
 qgis-common.bat exit code -6
 qgis-grass-plugin-common.bat exit code -6
 qgis-grass-plugin.bat exit code -6
 qgis-grass-plugin7.bat exit code -6
 qgis.bat exit code -6
 qt4-libs.bat exit code -6
 qt5-libs.bat exit code -6
 saga-ltr.bat exit code -6
 saga.bat exit code -6
 setup.bat exit code -6
 shell.bat exit code -6
 sip-qt5.bat exit code -6
 tora.bat exit code -6
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