[Qgis-user] Compiling messages Qgis 3.18.3

Andrea Giudiceandrea andreaerdna at libero.it
Thu Jun 10 02:08:24 PDT 2021

Richard Duivenvoorde wrote
> During install QGIS tries to sync your local crs db (in sqlite) with a new
> list from ??? the installer, and SQlite complains about something (maybe
> that a crs already excists and you cannot overwrite it or so)? 

Hi all,
it seems to me there is a regression in
getOperationAndEllipsoidFromProjString which is called when
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::syncDatabase() is executed during install.

The reported errors refers to "NOT NULL constraint failed:
tbl_srs.ellipsoid_acronym" because the ellipsoid_acronym field in tbl_srs
should not be NULL.

The code made sure the string inserted in ellipsoid_acronym empty was empty
and not NULL, but a recent change in the code [1] has no longer respected
this need.

If my finding are correct, I'll submit a little fix to solve this issue.



| https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/40737

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