[Qgis-user] How to filter shape or oracle layer

Andrea Giudiceandrea andreaerdna at libero.it
Thu Jun 10 12:25:55 PDT 2021

Dario C wrote
> this is the error message:

The error confirms that your layer provider doesn't support the function
used in your expression.
Your expression works for a memory layer, instead.

AFAIK you couldn't directly perform a spatial filtering for an ESRI
Shapefile layer. I don't know if it is possible for an Oracle layer.

Anyway you could create a virtual layer based on an SQL query like:

select a.* from 'your_layer_name' a, 'your_filter_layer' b
where b."ID" = '2' and st_contains(b.geometry, a.geometry)

replacing your_layer_name and your_filter_layer with the name of your

The query presumes that the geometry columns of the two layer are called
'geometry': if not, change them accordingly.

Hope someone else could share light on how the oracle provider works, and if
it is possible to directly use a spatial filter for Shapefile or Oracle



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