[Qgis-user] How to display images on QGIS web map

Khor, Laura (WorldFish) L.Khor at cgiar.org
Thu Nov 11 00:46:11 PST 2021


I am a beginner using QGIS 3.16.13 and I am trying to display photos on a webmap in QGIS cloud.

I have no issue displaying them on my computer, and the photos also are shown in the QGIS2web export preview -however after exporting and publishing to QGIS cloud, the pictures cannot be displayed (only a broken pic icon there).

I understand from bits and pieces of info online that I need to source my images from an online storage space, but I have no idea how to do this in the simplest way.
I am a true beginner and am not familiar with web developer tools, html etc... Could anyone provide simple step-by-step instructions in layman's terms on how I can display photos on a web map? Is it possible to use photos from a flickr account?

Thanks and regards
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