[Qgis-user] Count points in a polygon

Totò Fiandaca pigrecoinfinito at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 00:42:12 PST 2021

sorry for the short answer


Il giorno mer 24 nov 2021 alle ore 09:25 Raffaele Ceretto <
cerettoraffaele at gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Good morning,
> I have 2 different layer: one is a point layer e the other is a polygon
> layer.
> I would like count how many points there are in a polygon.
> I don't want using the analyses tool "counts the points in a polygon"
> because this function create a new layer whit the count.
> I would like create a new field in the poligon layer attribute table that
> count automatically the point.
> Could you help me please?
> Best regards
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