[Qgis-user] i have been digitizing polygons for a few days and QGIS crashed

Zoltan zoltans at geograph.co.za
Fri Oct 8 22:21:20 PDT 2021

What's a floppy disk?  ;-)

On 2021-10-08 22:55, Garth Fletcher wrote:
> Alexandre Neto wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You are missing one of the most important aspects of QGIS (and most GIS
>> software): The data is independent of the project.
>> The project > save action saves the project, which include what 
>> layers you
>> have loaded, what order you gave them, their styles, and so on.
>> When you edit vector layers, you need to use the save icon in the
>> digitising toolbar, the one next to pencil icon that you have probably
>> clicked to start editing. This is done layer by layer.
> The only time I have seen QGIS prompt the user to save an edited but 
> not yet saved layer is when you Quit.
> At that moment it does seem to remind one about any unsaved layers.
> However, if it crashes then any unsaved new layers, or unsaved changes 
> to pre-existing layers, are lost.
> The crucial step,as Alexandre says, is to save the changes in the 
> layer by *clicking on the floppy diskette icon* next to the pencil...
> Alternatively, toggling the Pencil to turn of editing will also prompt 
> you to save changes.


Zoltan Szecsei GPrGISc 0031
Geograph (Pty) Ltd.
GIS and Photogrammetric Services

Cape Town, South Africa.

Mobile: +27-83-6004028 (Signal, not WhatsApp)
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