[Qgis-user] Line dissolve

Nicolas Cadieux njacadieux.gitlab at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 09:56:26 PDT 2021

Hi Harrissou,

Turn out I had a float point error problem with the distance matrix tool 
that indicated I had no disconnected lines in my network.  The distance 
matrix tool reports 0 distance when the distance is around or below the 
10th decimal point.   I have fixed the problem and dissolve followed by 
multipart to single part does work with lines like it does with polygons 
and does dissolve line ends.  I will report the error on the distance 
matrix tool that I was using to find my disconnected line nodes.

Thanks for your help and for insisting I figure out problem.


On 2021-08-31 11:20 p.m., Nicolas Cadieux wrote:
> Hi,
> I will look at the wkt output but it seems that with lines, dissolve 
> will just create a single huge multiline.  The multi part to single 
> part will just split it back up.  I suspect that dissolve only deals 
> with common border in polygones and not line ends.  Will test tomorrow 
> to figure out more details.
> Nicolas Cadieux
> https://gitlab.com/njacadieux <https://gitlab.com/njacadieux>
>> Le 31 août 2021 à 03:57, DelazJ <delazj at gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> > That does not work with lines unfortunately. I tried multiple times 
>> with different combinations.  It works with polygons when common 
>> borders need to be dissolved.
>> Nicolas, can you elaborate a bit more on the issues you have with the 
>> "Dissolve + Multipart to singleparts" solution I provided few days 
>> ago. At which step is it failing? The dissolve does not merge joining 
>> features into a single one? I don't know the function internals but 
>> I'd expect it to work this way and if not, would sound like a bug to 
>> report IMHO...
>> Regards,
>> Harrissou
>> Le mar. 31 août 2021 à 00:57, Nicolas Cadieux 
>> <njacadieux.gitlab at gmail.com <mailto:njacadieux.gitlab at gmail.com>> a 
>> écrit :
>>     Thanks Charles,
>>     This will be very useful. Nice to know I'am not the only one
>>     going crazy with this!!!
>>     Nicolas
>>     On 2021-08-30 4:42 p.m., Charles Dixon-Paver wrote:
>>>     I thought this would be easily solved with an expression but
>>>     sadly I haven't been able to get reliable results at all.
>>>     My first thought was
>>>     collect($geometry,filter:=intersects($geometry,geometry(@parent)))
>>>     and when that didn't work I tried various aggregates and union
>>>     operations to no avail. Something like this might be useful if
>>>     you can get it into a usable form (I managed to get various
>>>     multigeometries in the form you are looking for but wasn't able
>>>     to do much with them and there seemed to be artifacts):
>>>     collect_geometries(array_foreach(aggregate(layer:='lines',aggregate:='array_agg',expression:=$geometry,filter:=intersects($geometry,geometry(@parent))), at element))
>>>     I was actually waiting for someone else to come up with a more
>>>     elegant solution, but it would probably also be possible to
>>>     identify intersecting features and get the minimum/ maximum
>>>     feature id for intersecting features with this:
>>>     aggregate(layer:='lines',
>>>     aggregate:='min',
>>>     expression:="fid",
>>>     filter:=intersects($geometry,geometry(@parent)))
>>>     You could use that in the field calculator to create a field for
>>>     "grouping" various intersecting features to dissolve on, however
>>>     it's only going to identify the minimum of the currently
>>>     intersecting features so you would need to iterate through the
>>>     process multiple times. I can't think of an effective way to
>>>     implement a "while" conditional either.
>>>     It's a pretty clanky way to do it, but if you are really
>>>     struggling I think it's possible.
>>>     On Mon, 30 Aug 2021 at 22:10, Nicolas Cadieux
>>>     <njacadieux.gitlab at gmail.com
>>>     <mailto:njacadieux.gitlab at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>         Hi,
>>>         Seems like the plugin is available so I will try it out. 
>>>         The ability to create multi-linestring out of any touching
>>>         lines (touch here means intersects at the first or last
>>>         node) would be nice to have it if I can include it in a model.
>>>         My goal is for this model to work for anyone with a basic
>>>         install of QGIS LTR or 3.20 with minimal efforts so I am
>>>         trying to eliminate the need to rely on external plugins or
>>>         scripts.
>>>         This is also my first attempt with models. It’s a learning
>>>         curve but I am having fun… I think this probably should have
>>>         been a plugin but my knowledge of GUI programming is
>>>         basically 0.  That will be for a next project…
>>>         Nicolas Cadieux
>>>         https://gitlab.com/njacadieux <https://gitlab.com/njacadieux>
>>>>         Le 30 août 2021 à 14:59, David Strip
>>>>         <qgis-user at stripfamily.net
>>>>         <mailto:qgis-user at stripfamily.net>> a écrit :
>>>>          I looked at the source for this plug-in and as far as I
>>>>         can tell  it only merges lines that meet at endpoints. It
>>>>         ignores multi-lines, and only creates linestrings, so there
>>>>         are no vertices of degree >2 (ie, no junctions/forks).
>>>>         Also, the plug-in doesn't look for intersections between
>>>>         vertices (since it only looks to merge endpoints.)
>>>>         The StackExchange post appears to want multi-linestrings,
>>>>         which gives forks and such. Is that what you need?
>>>>         On 8/30/2021 5:27 AM, Nicolas Cadieux wrote:
>>>>>         Hi,
>>>>>         This is the plugin I was referring to.  I don’t see it in
>>>>>         the current plugins (experimental turned on)  so I figured
>>>>>         it’s QGIS 2 only.
>>>>>         https://github.com/ArMoraer/QGISMergeLines
>>>>>         <https://github.com/ArMoraer/QGISMergeLines>
>>>>>         Nicolas Cadieux
>>>>>         https://gitlab.com/njacadieux <https://gitlab.com/njacadieux>
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>>     -- 
>>     Nicolas Cadieux
>>     https://gitlab.com/njacadieux  <https://gitlab.com/njacadieux>
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Nicolas Cadieux

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