[Qgis-user] dataPlotly plugin

Coen van Tooren coen at vuurtooren.nl
Thu Sep 16 11:07:42 PDT 2021



I recently tested the DataPlotly ( very impressive work!) plugin and I have
a question.

One of the great things of this plug-in is that when you select items in a
layer the plot is updated with the data of the selection.

A problem occurs when you do this using subplots (multiple plots) besides
each other, because a new selection only gives one plot instead of the
(multiple) subplots.

It occurs at the scatterplots, but I notice it also for the other graphics. 

Do I something wrong, or is it a bug. 


I would be grateful for any suggestion.


I use 3.7.1. of the plug-in, QGIS 3.20.2 on Windows.


Regards, Coen van Tooren


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