[Qgis-user] Build error on Debian testing 'bookworm'

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Thu Sep 16 22:41:51 PDT 2021

On 9/17/21 6:58 AM, APM wrote:
> Dear List,
> after removing the Debian sip5 package and a 'pip3 install sip'
> the compilation works find.
> Maybe helpful for others.

Hi Piet,

I'm not 100% sure if this is a good solution.

Installing sip with pip or pip3 means you are pulling sip-stuff from the python repo's, while I think it is preferred to keep plain Debian (python/sip) packages for compiling QGIS yourself.

I build on a aging system myself, so I'm not very aware of which sip I exactly use... but I cannot find a 'sip5' package, only sip5-doc and sip5-tools (both also not installed on my system...
 `dpkg -S /usr/bin/sip`
tell's me it comes from sip-dev package (sip-dev/testing,testing,now 4.19.25+dfsg-1), so I think that is what I actually use to build QGIS...

The 'Debian control' file of QGIS [0] shows that (for the packaging build) there is a dependency on 'python3-sip', and:
 `apt show python3-sip`
show me that it's source comes from 'sip4'(!)... so maybe you installed sip5 via other sources?

I hope this is helpful...


Richard Duivenvoorde

[0] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/master/debian/control

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