[Qgis-user] Fix a blocking bug together

Uwe Fischer gisfisch at t-online.de
Fri Apr 15 05:08:18 PDT 2022



please excuse the question of a github newbie: what does the github entry (regarding this issue) mean „qgis-bot <https://github.com/qgis-bot>  pushed a commit that referenced this issue 11 hours ago“  <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/47921#ref-commit-acee8bb> 


There also are two links „fix“ on github but what does this mean to a normal user? Is there a version now that is bug-free for download?


Thanks, Uwe





Von: Qgis-user [mailto:qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] Im Auftrag von Totò Fiandaca via Qgis-user
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. April 2022 20:09
An: qgis-user <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
Betreff: Re: [Qgis-user] Fix a blocking bug together


Excuse me if I made rumon, it won't happen again.
thanks to jef for fixing the bug.


Il giorno gio 14 apr 2022 alle ore 18:40 Totò Fiandaca <pigrecoinfinito at gmail.com <mailto:pigrecoinfinito at gmail.com> > ha scritto:

Hello to the whole community,
I want to report a bug present in all current versions of QGIS (3.22.5 LTR, 3.24.1 AND MASTER); it is a blocking bug in my opinion as well as being a regression, the bug is described here [0].

Also, I understand that it takes time to fix the problem and therefore you need to raise money to pay for a developer time.

I ask the community:

1. Does anyone have experience with fundraising campaigns?
2. How to get an estimate to understand the amount to be raised?



[0] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/47921



Ing. Salvatore Fiandaca
mobile.:+39 327.493.8955 
m: pigrecoinfinito at gmail.com <mailto:pigrecoinfinito at gmail.com> 

C.F.: FNDSVT71E29Z103G

P.IVA: 06597870820

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“Se la conoscenza deve essere aperta a tutti,

perchè mai limitarne l’accesso?” 

R. Stallman

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Ing. Salvatore Fiandaca
mobile.:+39 327.493.8955 
m: pigrecoinfinito at gmail.com <mailto:pigrecoinfinito at gmail.com> 

C.F.: FNDSVT71E29Z103G

P.IVA: 06597870820

membro QGIS Italia - http://qgis.it/
socio GFOSS.it -  <http://gfoss.it/> http://gfoss.it/

blog: <https://pigrecoinfinito.com/>  https://pigrecoinfinito.com/ 
FB: Co-admin - https://www.facebook.com/qgis.it/ <https://www.facebook.com/qgis.it/>   

TW: <http://goog_95411464>  https://twitter.com/totofiandaca


43°51'0.54"N  10°34'27.62"E - EPSG:4326


“Se la conoscenza deve essere aperta a tutti,

perchè mai limitarne l’accesso?” 

R. Stallman

Questo documento, allegati inclusi, contiene informazioni di proprietà di FIANDACA SALVATORE e deve essere utilizzato esclusivamente dal destinatario in relazione alle finalità per le quali è stato ricevuto. E' vietata qualsiasi forma di riproduzione o divulgazione senza l'esplicito consenso di FIANDACA SALVATORE. Qualora fosse stato ricevuto per errore si prega di informare tempestivamente il mittente e distruggere la copia in proprio possesso.

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