[Qgis-user] Issues with SAGA's tools
Kirk Schmidt
kirk at nortekresources.com
Tue Apr 19 06:06:53 PDT 2022
Hi Lucas;
Try installing SAGA as a stand alone and run the tool. I use this tool
regularly and it works fine.
Kirk Schmidt
On 4/19/2022 8:58 AM, Lucas Pomares via Qgis-user wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m trying to use fill sinks tool (Wang & Liu) of SAGA in Qgis
> Toolbox. However, when the process ends the program fails and doesn´t
> generate the result layers. I´ve tried it using different versions of
> Qgis (3.16 , 3.20 and 3.24) but I couldn´t solve the problem. SAGA
> version is 7.8.2. I also tried to uninstall and reinstall the program
> and I didn´t achieve.
> I tried to solve it by myself but I don´t know where is the problem
> and would want to ask if anyone knows how to solve it.
> I attach a picture of the fail and the log file in txt.
> In English says that:
> The following layers doesn´t generate correctly.
> •
> C:/Users/Lucas/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_vRdlpU/1ee9a17ddce54df9967efcee956d7b95/FDIR.sdat
> •
> C:/Users/Lucas/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_vRdlpU/83bae0d547e5462290b9d6530fb03bf3/WSHED.sdat
> •
> C:/Users/Lucas/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_vRdlpU/a7ad2897f43e4c7bbfff4898a4a2cc07/FILLED.sdat
> You can look the << register message panel>> in main window of Qgis
> for more information about algorithm.
> Thank for the help!!
> *Lucas Pomares Zambrano*
> *Dpto. Ingeniería*
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Kirk Schmidt, MScF, BScF, RPF
General Manager
Nortek Resource Solutions Inc.
26 Church Road
Sutherlands River, NS
B0K 1W0
Tel (902) 922.3607
Email:kirk at nortekresources.com
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