[Qgis-user] Request for exporting arcs from dxf to kml

davidlurie at libero.it davidlurie at libero.it
Sun Apr 24 02:02:13 PDT 2022

Thank you Andrea,

I'm not sure that's the point.

I always use default SR, Epsg 4326 - Wgs 84, the Google Earth one.

I tried to draw a circle in google earth and then export it in dxf: the result is an ellipse, larger in the middle.

I wonder if there's a way to have such a transformation from dxf to kml. It should be QGIS' issue/ configuration

> Il 24/04/2022 10:25 Andrea Peri <aperi2007 at gmail.com> ha scritto:
> I guess it is the change of srs to trasform Circle in ellipse.
> Regards, 
> A.
> Il dom 24 apr 2022, 10:14 Mauro via Qgis-user <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org mailto:qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org > ha scritto:
> > 
> > Hi everybody,
> > 
> > my name is Mauro.
> > 
> > I'd like to know if it's possible to have circles and arcs correctly exported form dxf to kml, for latitudes > than 0. (I mean than if latitude is >0, i will have a kml with an ellipse, 'slimmer' than the original circle).
> > 
> > Thank you very much
> > 
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