[Qgis-user] QGIS 3.22 - Geometry by expression howto

Francesco Pelullo f.pelullo at gmail.com
Sat Dec 31 05:03:48 PST 2022

Hi all,

Just trying to use algorithm "Geometry by expression" in a model, It don't
works for me.

I created a new model with three inputs parameters:

1. Longitude (real)
2. Latitude (real)
3. Map layer (points).

My goal is to empty [3],  memorie coordinate values in two project
variables (@long and @lat), then add a new feature at (@long , @lat)

I suppose can use "Geometry by expression" but result Is <null>

My settings:

Input layer = using model input = [3]
Output geom type = Point
Z dimension and M values = No
Geometry expression= make_point(to_real(@long), to_real(@lat))
Modifief Geometry = temp layer

The result Is ever a null geometry.

@long and @lat are correctly created and updated every time i run model.

Map layer Is EPSG:4326


Best wishes to everyone

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