[Qgis-user] Identify tool disabled

Christoph Jung jagodki.cj at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 01:41:13 PST 2022

Hello everyone,

I have a strange problem with the identify tool corresponding to a WMS. The service offers a GetFeatureInfo-Request, but only with the info_format text/xml. If I have look into the layer properties, Qgis recognised this information from the capabilities. A feature info request with this info format works from the browser without problems. But if I select the WMS layer, the identify tool button is disabled, i.e. I am not able to get feature information in QGIS for this service. I had a look on open geospatial.GitHub.io/e-learning to read about possible info formats: text/xml is not listed. If a server should serve the information as GML, the text info should be application/vnd.ogc.gml or  application/vnd.ogc.gml/3.1.1. Does QGIS disable the identify tool, if the server only offers a non standard info format?

P.S. the WMS is a Smallworld Server (such a mess -.-) 

Best regards,

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