[Qgis-user] PyQGIS - OGCFeatureService / QgsVectorLayer "OAPIF"

Andrea Giudiceandrea andreaerdna at libero.it
Fri Jun 3 03:12:14 PDT 2022

> Andrew Hughes ahhughes at gmail.com
> Thu Jun 2 21:37:03 PDT 2022

> The following returns False, and has no features. Can someone please tell
> me what I am doing wrong -  this seems so simple and really there is
> nothing I can think of that is wrong with this, but doesn't work?
> QgsVectorLayer('
> https://services.arcgis.com/quV9d0y7GW2PJkRl/arcgis/rest/services/rpt_spv_str_restr_prod_ogcfl/OGCFeatureServer',
> "layer_name", "OAPIF").isValid()

Hi Andrew,
a clue is in the "OGC API - Features data provider (oapif)" section of 
the QgsVectorLayer class detailed description at 

Both the 'url' and the 'typename' parameters of the uri are mandatory 
for the OAPIF driver.

So you need to construct an uri with at least both such parameters:

typename='0'","layer_name", "OAPIF").isValid()


service_uri = QgsDataSourceUri()
QgsVectorLayer(service_uri.uri(),"layer_name", "OAPIF").isValid()

Best regards.

Andrea Giudiceandrea

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