[Qgis-user] reduce resolution of an image in qgis

Nicolas Cadieux njacadieux.gitlab at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 09:41:38 PDT 2022


Others are responding to your question with methods and tools.  I will just state that your question is absolutely valid and is not often looked at carefully by researchers.

The question is “how do I resample my data and conserve the best possible integrity of this data?”  That will depend on the data, the methods available to you, the technical obstacles (like processing time) and the questions you are asking.  

Whatever method you use, you better be ready to justify and explain your choices.  Do some test data, explore what happens to the data.  What is the edge effect…. In statistics, the best choice is often dictated by matching a statistical method that behaves like the thing you are trying to studying.

Wise question. Yoda would be proud! May the force be with you! :)

Nicolas Cadieux

> Le 23 juin 2022 à 14:51, carlos h via Qgis-user <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org> a écrit :
> Hello, I have an NDVI image that has a pixel of 4 centimeters, that is, 16 square centimeters.
> I have 2 doubts:
> 1. What method can I use to generalize the NDVI image to 1 square meter in pixel size?
> 2. When generalizing the NDVI image to 1 square meter per pixel, what value does that new pixel take? the mean value of all pixels in 1 square meter? the maximum value of the pixels? etc, I ask this because if the original NDVI image has a pixel of 4 centimeters (16 cm2), in 1 square meter there are more or less 625 pixels, then what pixel value does it take if it is generalized to 1 square meter? the average? the maximum value?
> Thank you very much
> Carlos
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