[Qgis-user] question about DATE of satellite ESRI and Google basemaps in QuickMapServices Plugin

Nicolas Cadieux njacadieux.gitlab at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 20:34:48 PST 2022


Google earth has a slider option for selecting date but I have never seen this in a plugin. They always seem you show the latest version of the  scenes.  You will likely always  have a mix of dates in the images in Google earth because they seem to make spatial resolution the priority. As a result, you get winter scenes stitches with summer scenes in Canada were I work.   Not sure about the ESRI server…

If you need a good control on the date, you should download the images from the providers (like Nasa). That may cost you an arm and a leg for some plateformes. Some are free, some you must pay for.  It depends on what you need.

Nicolas Cadieux

> Le 10 mars 2022 à 13:44, Nick Jadallah via Qgis-user <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org> a écrit :
> Hello, 
> I have installed QuickMapServices for QGIS to have more basemap options. I have used the "Google Satellite" and "ESRI Satellite" basemaps. It just occurred to me that the YEAR in which these maps were published (i.e. which year the satellite image data is from) is important for my project. Do you know what year they are from? Or, if not, do you know where I can find this information? 
> Thank you very much for any help or guidance you can provide! 
> -Nick
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