[Qgis-user] Download QGis Installer - Verified Developer Mac OS

Juliuss Zäsar zasarjulius31 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 11:06:08 PDT 2022

Dear QGis-Comunty,

since i have recently started using Mac OS i have a question regarding the
installaton of QGis.

Due to the security management of Apple, applications are distinguished
between apps of verified developers and such which are not verified.

As the note on your website below the download-link suggests, the most
recent version of QGis is not verified yet.

(QGIS is not yet notarized as required by macOS Catalina (10.15) security

Because the note says „yet“ i wonder if there is an older version of QGis
which has been verified by Apple? Could you please tell me, if there is a
notarized version of QGis available?

Thank you very much in advance for your help!

Kind regards Julius
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