[Qgis-user] Geopackage slow on NAS if not read-only
Thomas Struller
thomas.struller at lga-geo.de
Thu Mar 16 01:36:25 PDT 2023
Hallo Arni,
sounds like the same problem that I have with the file browser in Qgis 3.30 and 3.28 ltr. Nearly all my data is located in geopackages and esri file geodatabases. Saveing data in this databases on a network is realy a pain. Opening these databases in the Qgis file browser also. Working with geopackages and file geodatabases is only possible with the file browser of Qgis.
Tried your hint making databases read only with no result.
Freundliche Grüße
Thomas Struller
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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2023 19:30:51 +0000
From: ?rni Geirsson <arni at alta.is>
To: qgis-user <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: [Qgis-user] Geopackage slow on NAS if not read-only
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Hello all QGIS and geopackage users.
I store my geopackages on a Synology RackStation NAS unit, like all other documents that are kept on a shared drive in the office. For larger datasets, the rendering is very slow, unless I open the properties dialog for the file in Windows and check the read only box. After that, the features are rendered blazingly fast. Nothing else is changed to see the dramatic difference in the rendering speed. Luckily, I don't need to edit many of the larger datasets, such as road networks and elevation contours and the geopackage can be kept read only. Shapefiles are not affected.
What explains this and does anyone know how to solve the problem?
Do other users experience this?
?rni Geirsson
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