[Qgis-user] How I solved my "Polygon" to "Mutipoligons" problem

Andrea Giudiceandrea andreaerdna at libero.it
Wed May 10 06:23:12 PDT 2023

> Riccardo riccardopani at hotmail.com
> Wed May 10 01:10:00 PDT 2023

> The problem was that the shape file I created, had the “multipoligon” property while in those of the standard delivery there was the simple “polygon” property .
> Based on what you told me, this property cannot be changed in a shape file already created.

Hi Riccardo,
this make no sense to me.
If with "shape file" you actually mean "ESRI Shapefile" (*.shp), then, 
as previously written, an ESRI Shapefile polygon layer is always a 
MultiPolygon layer which can always stores multi-part geometries. It is 
not possible to create an ESRI Shapefile polygon layer that can store 
only single-part geometries.

Maybe with "shape file" do you mean a vector layer of a format other 
then "ESRI Shapefile"?

Best regards.


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