[Qgis-user] Installing gdal-mrsid with osgeo4w-setup.exe command fails

Richard McDonnell richard.mcdonnell at opw.ie
Tue Apr 2 03:42:52 PDT 2024

Hi Simon,
Not an IT person, but there are a number of formats, supported by gdal which don't, by default install. This is due to them requiring a separate licencing agreement.
You will need to manually install these, in the setup app, by using the Advanced install and under Select Packages, Libs select dgal-mrsid.
You can use the Search to help find it and other formats like ECW (gdal-ecw).
Hope that helps,


Richard McDonnell MSc GIS, FME Certified Professional
Flood Risk Management - Data Management

Oifig na nOibreacha Poiblí
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MSc GIS, FME Certified Professional

Oifig na nOibreacha Poiblí
Office of Public Works

Sráid Jonathan Swift, Baile Átha Troim, Co na Mí, C15 NX36
Jonathan Swift Street, Trim, Co Meath, C15 NX36
M +353 87 688 5964 T +353 46 942 2409

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From: QGIS-User <qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Simon Gröchenig via QGIS-User
Sent: 29 March 2024 07:10
To: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [Qgis-user] Installing gdal-mrsid with osgeo4w-setup.exe command fails

Hi all,

a customer installs qgis with the following command at Baramundi.

path/to/osgeo4w-setup.exe<https://outlook.office.com/local/path/file:/kint01.ki.tal-oil.com/APPS/QGIS/_Deployment/osgeo4w-setup.exe> -q -A -L -l \\<https://outlook.office.com/local/path/file:/kint01.ki.tal-oil.com/apps/qgis/_Deployment/Repo/>url.com\apps\qgis\_Deployment\Repo\<https://outlook.office.com/local/path/file:/kint01.ki.tal-oil.com/apps/qgis/_Deployment/Repo/> -a x86_64 -g -k -P qgis gdal-mrsid -o -k

While QGIS is installed fine, gdal-mrsid is silently failing (cannot load sid-files in QGIS). The problem occurs since upgrading to QGIS 3.36.

The installation works using the setup.exe graphical app.

Any ideas?

Best regards


Vermessungskanzlei Neumayr

Simon Gröchenig - Geoinformation

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Albin Egger-Str. 10

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Web: http://www.zt-gis.at/
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