[Qgis-user] [Qgis-voting-members] Call For Community Voting members ballot - second round

Marco Bernasocchi marco at qgis.org
Tue Dec 3 03:37:46 PST 2024

Hi Ismael,
This election is finished, and the elected voters could already take part
in the AGM.
Hugo's place will go into next year's election, and we will need to see if
there are places up for grabs; there might be no spots due to a country
user group that dissolves (a group contacted to ask how to do that).


On Mon, 2 Dec 2024 at 04:40, Ismail Sunni <imajimatika at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Marco,
> Out of curiosity, since Hugo Mercier resigns from his seat as a voting
> member, would that mean there is another new empty seat? And Saber can be
> selected (since there is no other candidate)?
> Thanks!
> On Sat, Nov 30, 2024 at 6:01 PM Marco Bernasocchi via Qgis-voting-members <
> qgis-voting-members at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> For the sake of completeness the pending vote was confirmed as valid.
>> The final results are
>> Total 34
>> Invalid 2
>> Damiano Lombardi 17
>> Saber Razmjooei 15
>> Cheers Marco
>> On Fri, 29 Nov 2024, 02:15 Marco Bernasocchi, <marco at qgis.org> wrote:
>>> Dear community,
>>> First of all I want to thank you for taking the time to cast your vote.
>>> It is great to see a lot of participation.
>>> The vote closed few days ago and the psc has now validated the votes.
>>> The result are as follow:
>>> Total 34
>>> Invalid 2 (plus 1 pending confirmation)
>>> Damiano Lombardi 17
>>> Saber Razmjooei 14
>>> I would like to warmly welcome Damiano Lombardi to the community voting
>>> members and thank him for all the great work he has already done in QGIS.
>>> Cheers Marco
>>> On Sat, 16 Nov 2024, 17:14 Marco Bernasocchi, <marco at qgis.org> wrote:
>>>> Dear community,
>>>> As previously mentioned, two voters needed further checking.
>>>> As they did not fulfil the requirements for voting on community
>>>> members' ballots, Damiano Lombardi loses two votes, and
>>>> Saber Razmjooei loses one vote, bringing both to a tie and requiring a
>>>> second vote.
>>>> **Please remember that ONLY community members with commit rights to a
>>>> QGIS repository or Transifex have the right to vote.**
>>>> You can find the new ballot at https://forms.gle/ds6rSJWthJjpDEJ9A
>>>> The ballot will be open until November 24, 23:59 UTC
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Marco
>>>> P.S. The voting officer position to help the PSC run elections and
>>>> votes is still up for grabs. It would be really great to get some help!
>>>> On Wed, 6 Nov 2024 at 15:03, Marco Bernasocchi <marco at qgis.org> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Community,
>>>>> Thanks for taking the time to respond to the community member vote.
>>>>> The vote closed last week, and I want to share the unofficial results.
>>>>> As stated, we had four slots up for elections and five candidates.
>>>>> We had 20 votes with the following results
>>>>> Germán Carrillo 19
>>>>> Stefanos Natsis 16
>>>>> Isabel Kiefer 16
>>>>> Damiano Lombardi 15
>>>>> Saber Razmjooei 14
>>>>> I'm still waiting for a response from two voters I could not confirm
>>>>> as active QGIS contributors, so **these results still need to be
>>>>> considered unofficial**.
>>>>> If the voters were not confirmed as active, the only absolute
>>>>> difference would be that Damiano would have the same votes as Saber, and we
>>>>> would need to run a second round between them.
>>>>> In this sense, I would already heartfeltly welcome Germán, Stefanos,
>>>>> and Isabel to our voting members community. Thank you so much for all you
>>>>> do for the project!
>>>>> I'll follow up with the definitive results next week with the next
>>>>> steps needed.
>>>>> Cheers Marco
>>>>> On Mon, 14 Oct 2024 at 00:35, Marco Bernasocchi <marco at qgis.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear QGIS Community
>>>>>> We invite you to elect your favourite community voting members.
>>>>>> One community voting member is appointed in tandem with each QGIS
>>>>>> Country User Group Voting Member.
>>>>>> Due to the new usergroups, 4 Community member spot are be up for
>>>>>> election.
>>>>>> The purpose of the voting members is to elect the PSC and, where
>>>>>> necessary, collectively make decisions related to QGIS governance.
>>>>>> Please read the instructions carefully and establish your eligibility
>>>>>> to vote, which I repeat here for your convenience:
>>>>>> "Only community members with commit rights to an official QGIS git
>>>>>> repository or with write access in transifex are eligible to vote nominees”
>>>>>> Voting will close on Friday 25 October 2024 23:59UTC.
>>>>>> The voting form is here:
>>>>>> https://forms.gle/64zomCdCtccHQqfp8
>>>>>> If you have any questions about the voting process, please do not
>>>>>> hesitate to contact me
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> Marco
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Marco Bernasocchi
>>>>>> QGIS.org Chair
>>>>>> OPENGIS.ch CEO
>>>>>> http://berna.io
>>>>> --
>>>>> Marco Bernasocchi
>>>>> QGIS.org Chair
>>>>> OPENGIS.ch CEO
>>>>> http://berna.io
>>>> --
>>>> Marco Bernasocchi
>>>> QGIS.org Chair
>>>> http://berna.io
>>> _______________________________________________
>> Qgis-voting-members mailing list
>> Qgis-voting-members at lists.osgeo.org
>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-voting-members
> --
> Ismail Sunni
> Software Engineer
> ismailsunni.id
> ismailsunni.wordpress.com

Marco Bernasocchi

QGIS.org Chair
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