[Qgis-user] Help with Composers

Nigel Berjak - General nigel at s3.co.za
Thu Dec 5 00:17:40 PST 2024

Hi Derek

As per Alex's email, you can input them manually for a project. You may 
also be able to export your defined project/global reference scales from 
2.x and import them into 3.x.

Good luck.


Nigel Berjak
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On 2024-12-04 21:27, Alexandre Neto via QGIS-User wrote:

> Hi,
> You have a lot to gain from moving into a earlier version of QGIS. The 
> GUI changes weren't that drastic, but with much more capability.
> I can't remember if it was in the same place in 2.18, but currently you 
> can configure your prefered scales in th global options.
> Settings > Options > Map tools > predefined scales.
> Alex Neto
> A segunda, 2/12/2024, 10:21, DEREK Beddis via QGIS-User 
> <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org> escreveu:
>> Hi,
>> I have been working with QGIS 2.18.28 for the past 5 years, just had 
>> to buy a new desktop and when I installed QGIS 2.18, the site 
>> recommended me to instal QGIS 3.40 which I did, but unfortunately I 
>> couldn't understand it, so went back to QGIS 2.18. But on downloading 
>> my info I managed to get the raster project fine, then I opened the 
>> New Composer, transferred the map over OK, but when I entered the 
>> Composition details that was OK, but then I wanted to change the scale 
>> on the "Item Properties" and found a totally different system?
>> I used to be able to put in 50,000 or 25000, now it is a 10 digit 
>> number, which makes no sense to me?
>> I am totally lost, tried various things but getting nowhere.
>> I would like scales of 50000 down to 10000, how do I do it Please?
>> Thanks if anyone can help
>> Derek Beddis _______________________________________________
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