[Qgis-user] Help - Fix Geometries Required GEOS 3.10

Mars Sjoden marsofearth at gmail.com
Fri Jan 12 11:53:20 PST 2024

Mac OS Monteray 12.6.5 on Intel iMac

QGIS version: 3.28.14-Firenze

QGIS code revision: b09131c5125

Qt version: 5.15.2

Python version: 3.9.5

GDAL version: 3.3.2

GEOS version: 3.9.1-CAPI-1.14.2

PROJ version: Rel. 8.1.1, September 1st, 2021

PDAL version: 2.3.0 (git-version: Release)

Algorithm started at: 2024-01-12T11:46:47

*Algorithm 'Fix geometries' starting…*

Input parameters:

{ 'INPUT' : 'memory://MultiPolygon?crs=EPSG:3005*>truncated<*, 'METHOD' :

The structured method to make geometries valid requires a QGIS build based
on GEOS 3.10 or later

Execution failed after 0.04 seconds

This is from the official QGIS download LTR.

How can a lay person fix this?

Thank you!

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