[Qgis-user] Import qml-style-files

Nigel Berjak nigel at s3.co.za
Wed Jan 17 09:03:30 PST 2024

Hi Bernhard

To load the saved qml file, right-click the layer and select properties. 
Then select Symbology down the left hand options. In the main window, at 
the bottom left, there is a button called Style with a drop arrow, which 
you can select the drop options to load a saved qml.

I'm not at a computer so can't send screenshots, however if you don't 
manage, I will send them through tomorrow morning.


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On 2024-01-17 16:36, Bernhard Seckinger via QGIS-User wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm rather new to QGIS, so forgive me if this is a stupid question:
> I know how to save a style in an qml file (using context menu "export", 
> save
> as QML file). But I didn't find any possibility to load it. Is there
> any? (The style manager has an import feature, but it expects xml files 
> and
> not qml files.)
> I found some workarounds though:
> a) Load a project with the saved style and copy/paste the style to the 
> new
> project.
> b) Use the plugin MultiQml.
> But I guess, there is a better way? Any ideas?
> Thanks, Bernhard
> --
> Bernhard Seckinger <bernhard.seckinger at bueffee.de>
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