[Qgis-user] Help requested - Understanding how to use GQIS to realize Unreal Engine project

Emma Hain emma at north-road.com
Tue Jul 30 20:34:22 PDT 2024

Hey Bango
Would using Cesium help at all? There is some functionality already in QGIS
for it and additional functionality is currently being developed for it.



On Sat, 27 Jul 2024 at 23:17, Bango via QGIS-User <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>

> Hi everyone,
> I'm a new member of this mailing list, a total QGIS beginner and I've some
> issues understanding how to use QGIS to be able to realize a project.
> In this regard I hope and I would appreciate it if you can help me out.
> What do I want to achieve?
> For this particular project I want to create a 3D map based on real world
> locations within Unreal Engine 5 (UE).
> In this regard I was able to collect a set of tiff files which contain the
> height information I was looking for to use them as tiled heightmaps to
> build up the entire 3D map.
> Unfortunately, UE isn't capable of reading tiff files, so I would have to
> convert the files to a format like raw or png.
> Another issue is the tiff files contain latitude and longitude coordinates
> (especially in their name), based on WGS84, which I guess would help to
> arrange the tiles properly in software like QGIS, but UE isn't capable of
> reading those coordinates and renaming the files manually can be very
> tedious since they won't be displayed in the required order on Windows 11.
> Anyways, since QGIS may can help me to get more real world related data
> and info which I could use for my project, I probably won't get around
> having to understand and use QGIS, but QGIS seems to have a very steep
> learning curve and without your help I'll probably have to spend a lot more
> of time trying to figure out if and how to get the results I need because
> from my perspective the user interface and usability aren't very "beginner
> friendly" and I haven't yet found any videos or articles about what I am
> trying to accomplish nor isn't the documentation very helpful to me as I
> don't understand what I've to look for regarding terms, features and
> workflows.
> Considering this, I thought, it might be more efficient to ask here for
> help to understand if and how QGIS can help me to get the following desired
> results:
> 1. I want to be able to export the tiff files in raw format and the files
> should also contain a suffix in their name based on the xy coordinate
> system considering the desired order e.g. tile_x1_y1, tile_x1_y2,
> tile_x2_y1, etc. (preferably editable/exportable in a batch).
> 2. I want to be able to export more collected data (e.g. satellite images)
> based on the number of tiles - for example: I want to export a
> satellite image for each tile - and I want to be able define the desired
> export resolution (also preferably in a batch).
> Let me know if you need more request related info.
> Thanks in advance for all the help and replies!
> Best,
> Bango
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Emma Hain — Product Manager/Senior GIS Analyst
emma at north-road.com
[image: https://north-road.com]
*North Road*
Cartography • Development • Spatial Analysis
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