[Qgis-user] T20240617.0042 - CRC | Jamie Buell | PC Keeps Crashing / Very Slow when using QGIS

Richard McDonnell richard.mcdonnell at opw.ie
Tue Jun 18 09:18:18 PDT 2024

Hi Aron,
Seems like you're dealing with large dataset?
A few things you can try.

*         Make sure the datasets your running analysis on, or carrying out spatial joins on, all datasets have a Spatial Index. This can be done by going into the Layer Properties and under Source, click Create Spatial Index.

*         The other thing to consider is looking at how you can simplify your Tables, do you need all the attribution for analysis...etc

*         One other thing to consider is moving the data from shapefile to a Spatial Database, something like PostGIS. I'm not sure, but you may even find moving to a GeoPackage may give you some performance boost.
Just some thoughts.
Kind Regards,


Richard McDonnell MSc GIS, FME Certified Professional
Flood Risk Management - Data Management

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From: QGIS-User <qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Aaron Rivero via QGIS-User
Sent: 18 June 2024 17:01
To: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
Cc: Logic TCG Support <support at logictcg.com>
Subject: [Qgis-user] T20240617.0042 - CRC | Jamie Buell | PC Keeps Crashing / Very Slow when using QGIS

Hi QGIS Team,

Happy Monday!

We need your help with this app issue. My user is trying to generate vector tiles of a polygon shapefile of census tracts for California. When she has successfully run this command before, it took a consecutive 36 hours with no other applications running for the process to complete. Most of the times she has tried to run this, QGIS crashes, and sometimes her computer completely crashes.

Many other commands take a very long time. She tried to do a spatial join yesterday of about 400 points with the census tract shapefile, which took 2-3 hours.

When I connected to the computer, there was an error message related to memory. She has 16GB of memory, and when she runs the command, it uses around 95 to 98 percent of the memory resources.

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Please let me know if you need more information on this issue.



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