[Qgis-user] MacOS GeoJSON download from Google bucket

Gabor Szakacs gabor.szakacs at agreena.com
Sat Mar 9 19:34:09 PST 2024

Hi Adam, that is great feedback! I will do this!

Thank you very much!

Best, Gabor

On Fri, 8 Mar 2024 at 11:20, Adam Nielsen <a.nielsen at shikadi.net> wrote:

> > Hi Adam, thank you very much for the feedback. I made following
> experience
> > since the post. The same file uploaded (using in both cases Chrome) by
> > macOS and then uploaded by windows is resulting in different
> > datatype assignments on the Google bucket. That gives the impression that
> > the OS of the file upload is setting up the data type (text or /
> > binary-download). I will try to find a setting in macOS to setup GeoJSON
> as
> > binary instead of a text file. Is this the right way to go?
> This could be one solution, although it might be a bit harder to
> control the upload settings (because you are trying to upload GeoJSON
> as the "wrong" MIME type) so it may stop other programs from
> recognising the files properly as well.
> Another solution is to work out how to tell the browser or OS that
> "application/geo+json" should be downloaded rather than viewed.
> I always had trouble getting this to work properly as it seems to be
> handled quite differently for each OS (e.g. with Firefox on Linux the
> settings are in the browser but on Windows it uses the same settings as
> Windows Explorer).
> For years I used a Firefox extension that overrode the standard
> settings and forced most files to be downloaded instead of viewed.  You
> might just have to Google a bit to see if you can work out which
> settings to change to get a given MIME type (like
> "application/geo+json") to download instead of open.
> Sorry I couldn't be of more help!
> Cheers,
> Adam.


Dr. Gabor Szakacs
Geospatial Analyst in Regenerative Agriculture

+55 11 989319305

gabor.szakacs at agreena.com


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