[Qgis-user] QGIS master password

Paul Wittle paul.wittle at dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Tue May 28 02:16:41 PDT 2024

Hi QGIS Users,

I've been battling with the 'master' password for years now because I've been trying to work with a centrally managed password store. The method is simple enough, you have a plugin that you distribute to the devices you are configuring, and the plugin sets and activates your password store. This works fine and is all good until someone breaks or disables the plugin.

In this situation, by design, the user doesn't know the password and needs our help, which is fine, but the issue is that QGIS asks for the password once (or more) for every layer in any project they open. This creates a nasty user experience if they open a project with a lot of layers.

Is there a way to suppress the message completely?

I ask for two reasons:

  1.  QGIS already handles it fine as without the prompt the layers will just fail and we will get the handle bad layers dialogue. This means I don't think the master password prompt is needed at project load at all*.
  2.  The term 'master' is not favoured anymore and I'd rather this were renamed to 'primary' or 'main' password if we are going to continue having the prompt.
* I think the prompt is only really needed when you click on the authentication tab in the settings.

I'm happy to switch to the developer list and look at whether I can at least do the name change as I'm sure that should be mostly just UI changes but ideally there would just be an option to supress the dialogue completely. I'm aware some will want it so I was just hoping there is a setting under advanced I can use. Does anyone know if there is one?

Paul Wittle
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