[Qgis-user] QGIS user conference

Karl Magnus Jönsson Karl-Magnus.Jonsson at kristianstad.se
Thu Feb 6 06:01:56 PST 2025

Hi all!
Registration for the QGIS user conference will open Monday, 10th February. We have 80 early bird tickets and then 190 standard tickets available. https://uc2025.qgis.org/tickets/

The call for papers is still open and we have extended the deadline one week until 14th February. We still need more talks and especially more workshops. https://talks.osgeo.org/qgis-uc2025/cfp

We are glad that our first sponsors, Midvatten<https://midvatten.se/> and North Road<https://north-road.com/>, are willing to give their support. Sweco Sverige<https://www.sweco.se/> will also support as co-organizer. There are more coming in. Thank you all. More sponsors are still welcome. https://uc2025.qgis.org/sponsors/

The conference web site is updated with more information about attending. The latest and most accurate information will be there. The site has also moved to https://uc2025.qgis.org/

This will be fun. Hoping to see you in June.

Best regards
The organizing committee
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