[Qgis-user] Creating a point

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Sat Feb 15 04:04:23 PST 2025

It's funny. All answers here, are (in my experience), for the average beginner user too complex.

I have been thinking about creating a 'SimpleGeometryBuilder'-plugin or so.

But... it is getting more complex very soon:

One because they do often not have a layer yet, so a proper layer should be created (like in the WKT-plugin)...
OR added to an existing layer (of the same type).

AND we do need the crs (but could for example check if coord values are <180 and then decide on EPSG:4326 automagically..

But, in our region, one pastes numbers from with comma as decimal separator, so it should be possible to choose that..

And I would also want it to be possible to give 4 coordinate pairs and then decide if these are 4 individual points, or should form a line or a polygon...

I would be still interested in creating such plugin, if enough interest.
But maybe I overlooked and something like this is already there, OR those users should just use to 1) create a layer+crs first 2) use the edit/vertex tools of QGIS...

A screenshot is added as quick draw up in qdesigner, but if others have better idea's let me know


Richard Duivenvoorde

On 15-02-2025 04:51, Phil Wyatt via QGIS-User wrote:
> Hi Iain,
> You can also select the node tool and then select ‘Show vertex editor” and use that to change the coordinates of a selected point
> *From:*QGIS-User <qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> *On Behalf Of *IainS via QGIS-User
> *Sent:* Saturday, 15 February 2025 9:57 AM
> *To:* Qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
> *Subject:* [Qgis-user] Creating a point
> Is it possible to create a point an located it by inputting its Xand Y coordinates?
> I had one point to put in and I assumed that there was an option to create the point and then locate it by adding X Y coordinates because you can do that sort of thing while georeferencing a map. But I couldn’t find out how to do it.
> Does anybody know how to do it?
> Frustratedly
> *Dr Iain Stuart*
> */JCIS Consultants /*
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