[Qgis-user] Ubuntu-ltr repository with v 3.40

Walter Lorenzetti lorenzetti at gis3w.it
Mon Feb 24 00:23:54 PST 2025

Hi guys,

this morning on updating of my Ubuntu Noble, I found an update of QGIS 
form 3.34 to 3.40 not LTR.

My qgis.source apt file is set on ubuntu-ltr repository:

Types: deb deb-src
URIs: https://qgis.org/ubuntu-ltr
Suites: noble
Architectures: amd64
Components: main
Signed-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/qgis-archive-keyring.gpg

Any idea about the issue?
Thanks in advance
Walter Lorenzetti
CEO | Backend developer | Sysadmin

m: +39 347 6597931
a: 	lorenzetti at gis3w.it

w: gis3w.it <http://gis3w.it>
e: info at gis3w.it
G3W-SUITE: 	www.g3wsuite.it <http://www.g3wsuite.it>


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