[Qgis-user] Importing from Autocad - Lambert 93 - My drawings appear in Equatorial Guinea

Toussaint OTTAVI t.ottavi at bc-109.com
Mon Feb 24 03:22:09 PST 2025

Hi all,

I'm tyring to import Autocad .DWG files sent by a third-party.
As QGis does not read directly recent .DWG files, I first converted them 
to ASCII .DXF using "ODA file converter".
Then, I can import the data in QGis, but the drawings are at the wrong 
coordinates : I'm in Corsica (between France and Italy), but the 
drawings appear in Equatorial Guinea :-D
I think it has something to deal with CRS.
My project is using Lambert-93.
The original DWG file (viewed with Autocad TrueView) is also using 

What could be wrong ?

Thank you in advance. KInd regards
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