[Qgis-user] Attribute table w/missing values and duplicate values in print layout
celine.hecquet at alpes-de-haute-provence.gouv.fr
Fri Jan 31 02:18:47 PST 2025
Dear QGis users,
I'm trying to display an attribute tables showing synthetic values in
the print layout : sum, and percentage, of areas of different classes
in the french land cover (and number of polygons, in a checking purpose).
"id" is the primary key of a polygon in the layer.
"CODE_CS", the land cover, is a texte field.
"S", the area, is a calculated fiel (type: real)
Whereas the count of each class is correct on the symbology (left and
bottom of the screen capture), some values are duplicated, and some
other values are missing in the the table, on the *layout *(up right of
the screen capture). Only 3 classes are shown out of 14.
There is no filter or selection active.
My expressions are:
Area: sum((round("S"/10000,0)), group_by :="CODE_CS" )
Percentage: round(sum("S", group_by :="CODE_CS" )/sum("S")*100 ,2)|| '%'
Number: count("id", group_by:="CODE_CS")
I'm on Qgis 3.34.8.
Thank you very much for any help or clue!
Yours sincerely,
*Celine HECQUET*
Avenue Demontzey BP 211 04002 DIGNE-LES-BAINS CEDEX
Bureau : 112
Tel : +33 492305661
www.ecologie.gouv.fr <https://www.ecologie.gouv.fr>
Direction Départementale des Territoires des Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
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