[Qgis-user] Georeferencer issue

Grant Boxer boxerg at iinet.net.au
Tue Mar 4 18:30:18 PST 2025

I am georeferencing jpg images and I seem to have to register it twice each
time. The first attempt displays the GCP points in QGIS but not the image.
The wld file is created. I then have to close the georeferencer and re-do
the registration, overwriting the original wld file. This then seems to
work. Has anyone else had this problem. I have tried with a new profile but
get the same problem in both 3.40 and 3.42. Any thoughts?

Cheers Grant


Grant Boxer

Consultant Geologist (FAIG R.P. Geo)

Perth, Western Australia

Email:  <mailto:boxerg at iinet.net.au> boxerg at iinet.net.au

Mobile: 0418 954 059

Skype: grantboxer

Website:  <https://grantboxer.github.io> https://grantboxer.github.io



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