Hi,<br><br>I am new to QGIS and to Python.<br><br>I would like to use the plugin point sampling tool in order to merge raster datasets with my observations (a delimited text layer) and then save the resulting shape file as a csv file. I know how to do it with the GUI:<br>
<br>Add Delimited Text Layer<br>Add Raster Layer<br>Point Sampling Tool<br>Join the layer<br>Save as .csv<br><br>As I have quite a lot of raster dataset to match with my observations (and I am quite keen to learn Python), I would like to do it with a loop in the Python console. <br>
<br>So far, I have not much:<br><br>crops="Wheat", "Maize","Barley", "Haricot Bean","Teff"<br><br>for i in crops: layer=QgsRasterLayer("C:/Program Files/LEAP/Images/Water Balance/Meher/2005/"+str(i)+"_Meher_Final_Index_2005.img",str(i)); QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(layer)<br>
<br>Any one knows what is the function for Point Sampling Tool, Join the layer and save?<br><br>I imagine to join the layer it might be something like:<br><br>QgsVectorLayer.addJoin(<em>joinInfo)<br><br></em>Any idea for Point Sampling Tool? something with intersect?<br>
<br>Thanks a lot,<br><br>Xav <br><br><br><br>