<span style='font-family:Verdana'><span style='font-size:12px'>Thanks, it worked just like you said!<br />
<br />
But adding back the variables I had in PYTHONPATH<br />
<br />
C:\Python27\Lib<br />
C:\Python27\DLLs<br />
C:\Python27\Lib\lib-tk<br />
C:\mapnik-2.0.1rc0\python\2.7\site-packages<br />
<br />
Made Sextante stop working on QGIS 1.9.<br />
<br />
Then I removed the first 3 ones and left only the last.<br />
Now Mapnik and Sextante both work.<br />
<br />
Don't know why I added these first three variables, I read somewhere that they are needed, but it doesn't seem so.<br />
<br />
Thanks a lot!<br />
<br />
<p style="margin:0px; padding:0px;" >
<blockquote style="border-left: 1px solid #CCC; padding-left: 5px; margin-left: 5px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px;" type="cite">
<p style="margin:0px; padding:0px;" >
<span style="font-family:Verdana"><span style="font-size:12px">----- Original Message -----</span></span></p>
<p style="margin:0px; padding:0px;" >
<span style="font-family:Verdana"><span style="font-size:12px">From: Nathan Woodrow</span></span></p>
<p style="margin:0px; padding:0px;" >
<span style="font-family:Verdana"><span style="font-size:12px">Sent: 01/31/13 02:32 PM</span></span></p>
<p style="margin:0px; padding:0px;" >
<span style="font-family:Verdana"><span style="font-size:12px">To: Stephane Goldstein</span></span></p>
<p style="margin:0px; padding:0px;" >
<span style="font-family:Verdana"><span style="font-size:12px">Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS and Python Errors</span></span></p>
<br />
<div class="gmail_extra" style="">
<font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">The error you are getting there is to do with the API change in 1.9 (the dev version). If you change </font></div>
<div class="gmail_extra" style="">
<div class="gmail_extra" style="">
<font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0)">QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance()</span><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0)">.addMapLayer(layer)</span></font></div>
<div class="gmail_extra" style="">
<div class="gmail_extra" style="">
<span style="color:rgb(0,0,0)"><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">to </font></span></div>
<div class="gmail_extra" style="">
<div class="gmail_extra" style="">
<font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0)">QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance()</span><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0)">.addMapLayers([layer])</span></font></div>
<div class="gmail_extra" style="">
<div class="gmail_extra" style="">
<span style="color:rgb(0,0,0)"><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">it will work again.</font></span></div>
<div class="gmail_extra" style="">
<div class="gmail_extra" style="">
<span style="color:rgb(0,0,0)"><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">QGIS will use the Python installed with OSGeo4W, I don't think also having standalone copy of Python installed will cause any issues. </font></span></div>
<div class="gmail_extra" style="">
<div class="gmail_extra" style="">
<font color="#000000" face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">- Nathan</font></div>