<div dir="ltr">Hi there,<br><br>I've just install <span style class="">QGIS</span> 2.0, before that I've been working with version 1.8. In general bases works great, however when I attempt to install some plug-in, like <span style class="">mmqgis</span>, there is no "get more" option on the plug in manager. I've been looking on forums like this one: "http://<span style class="">gis</span>.<span style class="">stackexchange</span>.com/questions/72921/no-get-more-in-<span style class="">plugin</span>-manager-in-<span style class="">qgis</span>-2-<span style class="">ubuntu</span>-13-04" but <span style class="">thats</span> not the same problem.<br>
I suspect of two things and if there are any of them I've no idea how to solve it:<br>1) I can only use <span style class="">qgis</span> running it as <span style class="">sudo</span>. May be it is a <span style class="">permissions</span> problem<br>
2) when I run the command "<span style class="">dpkg</span> -l | grep <span style class="">qgis</span>" there is several versions of <span style class="">libqgis</span><br>output:<br><span style class="">rc</span> libqgis1.4.0 1.4.0+12730-5ubuntu2 Quantum <span style class="">GIS</span> - shared libraries<br>
ii libqgis1.8.0 1.8.0-1~precise12 Quantum <span style class="">GIS</span> - shared libraries<br>ii libqgis2.0.1 2.0.1-1~precise1 <span style class="">QGIS</span> - shared libraries<br>
could be an incompatibility between librarys?<br><br>Any idea?<br><br>Thanks a lot for any help and thanks for the community<br><br>Sergio<div><code></code><div style="margin-left:40px"><code></code></div></div></div>