<div dir="ltr">Hello QGIS users and developers: <br><br>I'm working with some raster tiles from Worldclim (precipitation)<br><br>Each tile has cells with some null values (Metadata says: -3.4 e+38; Float 32 bits).<br><br>
I've summed 12 tiles (months) to get year precipitation. All fine, but now, null values get "-infinite" values, and it starts an issue that I haven't in 1.8 version:<br><br>I've imported my yearly precipitacion into GRASS pluggin, but r.sum or r.report of a masked area that has some "-inf" values gets "-inf" as result when I tried to do some statistics.<br>
<br>I've tried <a href="http://r.null.to">r.null.to</a> to convert "-inf" to zero, but GRASS can't work with "-inf" values.. so, please, Can someone tell me how convert "-inf" values into null or zero? (QGIS or GRASS)... or, it it's the case, developers please keep null values as result of arithmetic operation whit null values.<br>
<br>Regards<br><br>Carlos Cerdán<br><br><br><div><p style="margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;text-indent:0px"><br></p></div></div>