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How about a spatial DB solution?<br>
This query in Spatialite will do what you asked. <br>
SELECT pk_uid<br>
FROM points <br>
WHERE pk_uid in (<br>
SELECT points.pk_uid<br>
FROM points JOIN polys <br>
ON ST_Intersects(points.geometry, polys.geometry)<br>
GROUP BY polys.pk_uid)<br>
Although when you say "select randomly" I have to think twice. Do
you mean that you want to rerun this selection and get a different
random point each time? The above will NOT do that.<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 05/09/2015 03:30 PM, Juan Miguel
Requena wrote:<br>
<div dir="ltr">
<div>Hello, I have two vectors, points and polygons. I need to
select randomly one only point from each polygon. Any idea?
Thank very much in advance.</div>
<div>All the best</div>
<div>Juan Miguel</div>
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