<div dir="auto">Swisstopo WMTS and WMS? Is the data not recent
enough?<div><br></div><div>Did you have a look at all these satellite data
companies like digital globe
id="cm_footer" class="cm_footer"><div id="cm_sent_from">Sent using <a
Email</a></div></div><br><div id="cm_replymail_content_wrap"><div
class="">On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 11:46 AM, Neumann, Andreas
<a.neumann@carto.net> wrote:<br><div
id="cm_replymail_content_1467712265" style="overflow: visible;"><blockquote
style="margin:0;border-left: #D6D6D6 1px solid;padding-left: 10px;"><div
style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif">
<p>My employer (Switzerland) is interested in an online image service
(satellite or aerial images) that we can legally use to derive data from,
e.g. in QGIS. It is important that the data is up-to-date (not older than
1.5-2 years or so).</p>
<p>The "Quick map services" plugin provides data from Google, Mapbox, ESRI,
etc. - but as far as I understand we can't use it, because it is illegal to
use. Does someone know a similar service to Google, Mapbox or ESRI ArcGIS
Online that we can legally use from within QGIS - of course we are willing
to pay for it.</p>
<p>Thank you for any hints you may have.</p>
<p> <wbr></p>
<div> <wbr></div>
</blockquote></div></div> </div> </div></div></div>