<div dir="ltr"><div><div><span id="gmail-result_box" class="gmail-" lang="en"><span>Good morning.</span> <span>I am trying to make maps in QGIS with information provided through landscape metrics obtained through the program fragstats.</span> <span>The input used to enter Fragstats is a sorted raster generated in QGIS;</span> <span>The raster is made up of two values: 1 (wells and paths) and 0 (matrix).</span> <span>My
problem is that I do not know how to curl the table with the results of
the metrics that Fragstats gives me to be able to make a map.</span> <span>For example a map with patch density (number of patches per 100 hectares).</span><br><span class="gmail-">I hope you can help me.</span> <span class="gmail-">Thank you!<br></span></span></div><span id="gmail-result_box" class="gmail-" lang="en"><span class="gmail-">Mariana<br></span></span></div><span id="gmail-result_box" class="gmail-" lang="en"><span class="gmail-">Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco<br></span></span></div>