<div dir="ltr">Anyone knowledge in using grid shift files (gsb) with QGIS?<div>I have a local CRS NAD27 Double Stereographic Imperial that I need to transform to NAD83 CSRS 2010 Epoch. I have the CRS properly defined using the provincial description but QGIS using its Clark 1866 to GRS80 transformation puts the points a little off from the NTV2 coordinate transformation software we have. I have the GSB used (even though it says ATS77 the provincial geomatics guys tell me it shits NAD27 and ATS77 into CSRS 2010 NAD83). I followed some directions on putting the file in a specific folder and restarted QGIS set the settings to always ask for grid shift file for transformations yet I do not see the one I put in there in my list to pick from.</div><div>I also tried to install a plugin for NTV2 transformations but cannot activate it. When I go to Activate Additional Providers in my Processing Toolbox whereĆ NTv2 Datum Transformations resides I get the "Specified Path does not exist: C:\PROGA~1\QGIS~1.18\bin" error that I have not yet managed to resolve. To my understanding has something to do with GRASS plugins and past versions of QGIS.</div><div>Anyway; I have the GSB, how do I get QGIS to use it?</div><div>Thanks</div><div>Tyler</div></div>