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<font size="+1">Hi Jorge,<br>
Thanks for your reply to my request for help in getting a base
map from Mapbox.<br>
I'm using QGIS 3.10.12 - A Coruna on a plain vanilla Dell
desktop running Windows 10. <br>
When I click on the link in your message my Chrome browser
opens a tab showing hundreds of lines of HTML, among which I see
frequently my Mapbox user ID (profSacks). So I guess that proves
that something is availble to the public. <br>
More importantly when I copy the URL from the message you sent
and paste it into the URL in the QGIS new layer dialog and click
Connect it WORKS ! I have added the Mapbox satellite layer to my
QGIS map. I can see the buildings in and around our park.<br>
Can you explain why I succeeded using your URL but not mine ?<br>
I'm grateful for your help, but now I need to understand.<br>