<div dir="ltr">Hi all,<div>I have an issue with my configuration in QGIS using MSSQL data source.</div><div>I want to serve a certain number of MSSQL layers, but the performance is a bit unstable, maybe because my configuration is bad.</div><div><br></div><div>I use qgis server 3.18 on debian 10.</div><div><br></div><div>First of all, after some research on google, I enabled the "Skip invalid geometry handling" option, and that already meant a lot.</div><div>I also tried to enable and disable the "Use estimated table parameters" option, but I don't see any difference in my SQL Server Profiler trace.</div><div><br></div><div>Talking about SQL Server Profiler trace, I notice that every now and then, each layer performs 4 queries:</div><div>- one to read the computed column names: SELECT name FROM sys.columns WHERE is_computed = 1 AND object_id = OBJECT_ID(<xxx>)</div><div>- one to read the column metadata: exec sp_columns @table_name = N'<xxxx>', @table_owner = '<yyyyy>'</div><div>- one to read the primary keys: exec sp_pkeys @table_name = N'<xxxx>', @table_owner = '<yyyy>' </div><div>- one to read the spatial extension: SELECT min(bounding_box_xmin), min(bounding_box_ymin), max(bounding_box_xmax), max(bounding_box_ymax) FROM sys.spatial_index_tessellations WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('<xxxx>').</div><div><br></div><div>Now, these operations may have a low cost, but I am wondering why the system must execute them every now and then.</div><div>In my case there's no need to read the primary key, I will not want to perform any write operation (I guess the PK is for that). I don't have any computed columns, so I guess this query is avoidable.</div><div>And for the spatial extension, in my case it may be better if I could manually set the bounding box once for every layer in my configuration.</div><div><br></div><div>Although I think it is possible to avoid some repeated queries, the performance is quite stable until the layer data is a table. If the layer data is a view, then the performance is quite critical, and for each layers, the number of executed queries is 7:</div><div>-
one to read the computed column names (as before)</div><div>- one to read the column metadata (as before)</div><div>-
one to read the column metadata (as before)</div><div>- one to determine if the primary key is unique:Â select count(distinct [<primarykey>]), count([<
>]) from <xxxx>.</div><div>- one to read the spatial extension (as before)</div><div>now, because it's a view, the last query returns no data, and the loss of performance is in the next 2 queries, which performs a full table(view) scan to determine the bounding box (using STPointN function) and the feature count, the first one with a fixed clause (WHERE (ABS(CAST((BINARY_CHECKSUM([[<primary key>]])) as int)) % 100) = 42) and the second one without any clause.</div><div><br></div><div>In this configuration the performance is pretty bad, because the system wastes time querying the same data over and over.</div><div>Obviously, in my production environment I am forced to use the views.</div><div><br></div><div>The question is: is there a way to set these informations once, even manually, for each layer? Or maybe I am missing/mistaking some configurations?</div><div><br></div><div>kindly regards,</div><div>Marco</div></div>