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<font face="Calibri">Hi,<br>
I'm new to QGis. I'm trying to install latest version (3.28.7 LTR)
on my machine. It does not run. The startup window shows during a
few seconds, then, nothing.<br>
I tried several older versions. None of them wants to start. The
exception is 3.14, which starts, and works perfectly.<br>
On my machine, I already have a Python 3 installed (currently,
3.11.1), on absolute path C:\Python, PYTHONPATH system variable
pointing to it, and system path, too. I also have PyCharm
installed. I think this may be the cause of my problem. I noticed
the included interpreter (C:\Program Files\QGIS
3.28.7\bin\python.exe) does not start at all, with Python error :<br>
File "C:\Python\Lib\io.py", line 54, in <module><br>
ImportError: cannot import name 'text_encoding' from 'io'
(unknown location)<br>
If I understand well, I'll have to write a customized startup
script, with correct path (not pointing to my c:\python\lib) so
that QGis can start using the included Python interpreter (and not
my system-wide one). But I didn't find how to achieve that.<br>
Later, I think I'll have to write some QGis Python code. Then,
I'll need to run it in "developer" mode : being able to put the
source code in a git repository, edit the code in PyCharm, and run
it. Any clues are welcome.<br>
Thank you in advance. Kind regards<br>