[QGIS-ZA-user] 3rd QGIS User Group Meeting

immob19 at gmail.com immob19 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 08:39:01 PDT 2017

I've invited you to fill in the following form:
QGIS User Group - South Africa

To fill it in, visit:

Dear QGIS UG Member

After our very successful Foss4G Africa/QGIS conference at the end of June  
this year it is time to meet up again. Our next meetings will be on the  
22nd of September in

Gauteng: Auditorium at Meraka (Building 43), CSIR Pretoria. Please bring  
some form of identification to enter the CSIR campus.

Cape Town: Ulwazi Conference Room, van der Sterr Building (C-Block), Chief  
Directorate: National Geo-spatial Information, 19 Rhodes Avenue, Mowbray

Please register for the meetings on the attached form or click on the link  
above only if you are certain that you will be able to attend. I will send  
out an agenda in due course, but please send me suggestions and indicate  
whether you are willing to present something. It is always interesting to  
see what other users are doing with QGIS! The release of QGIS 3 is imminent  
and I am sure there are a lot of things to discuss and show!

There will be a donations box again to organise some drinks and  

See you all there!


Google Forms: Create and analyse surveys.
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