[QGIS-ZA-user] REMINDER: QGIS User Group South Africa - Meeting...Please register

ndumiso stengile ndumiso.stengile at drdlr.gov.za
Thu Apr 26 03:10:34 PDT 2018

[cid:imagec71e6f.JPG at f4217d5b.418dc68e]

From: qgis-za-user [mailto:qgis-za-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of immob19--- via qgis-za-user
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 7:39 AM
To: qgis-za-user at lists.osgeo.org
Cc: immob19 at gmail.com
Subject: [QGIS-ZA-user] REMINDER: QGIS User Group South Africa - Meeting...Please register

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Dear QGIS User Group Member,

This is the first reminder to register for our UG meetings in Gauteng and Cape Town. We had quite a few registrations for our Cape Town meeting but very few for the Gauteng meeting, which is next week Friday already.

So please register and participate in our informative and interesting meetings! We already have a few interesting presentations coming up at our Cape Town meeting. I will send out a preliminary programme later today.

Looking forward to seeing you at one of our meetings!

Immo Blecher (Cape Town)
Gerhard Brits (Gauteng)

QGIS User Group South Africa - Meeting<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdTkIXNJxk-jhiOzkZnK2Rabi8CMP6crZuV2R7k9gAiiqFBxA/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link>

Please indicate below whether you would like to attend our 4th South African QGIS User Group Meetings in Gauteng/Cape Town. Please do not register if you know now already that you will most probably not be able to make it. The organisation of these meetings takes a lot of time and effort which is dependent on the number of participants.

You are encouraged to bring your PC/laptop to demonstrate something you have done or to try and find answers to problems you encounter. See you all there!

The new proposed QGIS User Group South Africa logo (short version) - Please comment on what you like and what not!
[Captionless Image]
I would like to attend the user group meeting in... *
o    (*) Mowbray/Cape Town - 10 May 2018 - Venue: C-Block conference room, DRDLR Chief Directorate: National Geo-spatial Information
o    ( ) Midrand/Gauteng - 04 May 2018 - Eskom Academy of Learning, Dale Rd, Komati House Building
o    ( ) Not at this stage, but keep me posted!
I am also willing to help with the organisation of this meeting
o    ( ) Yes, please contact me and let me know what I can do
o    (*) I don't have the time or resources right now, unfortunately
I want to present a talk, demonstration or other
o    ( ) Yes, please contact me so that I can send you the details
o    (*) No, maybe next time
I and/or my company are willing to sponsor the meeting (coffee/tea, lunch, drinks)
o    ( ) Yes, please contact me so that we can arrange what is necessary
o    (*) No, not at this stage
o    ( ) Other:
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