[QGIS-ZA-user] Tender for Accessibility Study

Alex Kuhudzai alexkuhudzai at gmail.com
Fri Jul 20 00:06:52 PDT 2018

Thanks Zoltan

On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 8:57 AM, Zoltan via qgis-za-user <
qgis-za-user at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hi Guys (no gender bias intended :-)  )
> Today's Tender bulletin has something that may be of interest on page 93.
> Good luck and enjoy.
> Regards.
> Z
> * The appointment of a Service Provider to conduct Geographic*
> *Accessibility Study for the Department of Home Affairs.*
> National: Department
> of Home
> Affairs: Supply
> Chain Management:
> Tenders and
> Contracts
> DHA17- 2018 2018-08-10 at
> 11:00
> Meeting/Briefing Session:* A compulsory briefing will be held from 10:00
> - 11:00*
> *Late arrivals after 10:30 will not be allowed to participate and their
> bids*
> *shall be declared non-responsive. 24 July 2018, 10:00.* 230 Hallmark
> Building, Corner Johannes Ramokhoase and Thabo Sehume Streets, Pretoria.
> Bids obtainable from: Available on DHA website and eTender Publication
> Portal (www.dha.gov.za and www.etenders.gov.za respectively),
> Cost of Documents: None
> Post or Deliver Bids to: 230 Hallmark Building, Corner Johannes
> Ramokhoase and Thabo Sehume Streets, Pretoria. None
> For technical information please contact: Ms Rosina Senona. Tel: 012 402
> 2070 Email: Rosina.Senona at dha.gov.za. Hours: 7:30 - 16:00.
> For completion of bid documents please contact: Nico Masango, Tel: 012
> 406 2789, Email: nico.masango at dha.gov.za, Hours: 07:30 - 16:00.
> All prospective suppliers interested in pursuing opportunities within
> South African Government are encouraged to self-register on the Central
> Supplier Database (www.csd.gov.za)..
> *National: *Department of Home Affairs: Supply Chain Management:
> Tenders and Contracts
> *Tender No.   DHA17- 2018*
> *Closing         2018-08-10 at  11:00*
> --
> =============================================
> Zoltan Szecsei GPrGISc 0031
> Geograph (Pty) Ltd.
> GIS and Photogrammetric Services
> P.O. Box 7, Muizenberg 7950, South Africa.
> Mobile: +27-83-6004028
> Fax:    +27-86-6115323     www.geograph.co.za
> =============================================
> _______________________________________________
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> qgis-za-user at lists.osgeo.org
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*Alex T KuhudzaiBSc (Hons) GIS and Applied Remote SensingSenior GISc
Technologist - PLATO G0865Cell: 074 993 2060Email: alexkuhudzai at gmail.com
<alexkuhudzai at gmail.com>*
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