[QGIS-ZA-user] QGIS User Group South Africa - Meeting

Chris Berens chris at mapland.co.za
Mon Oct 29 03:04:46 PDT 2018

Sorry Imo. I can't make the 23rd.


On Mon, 29 Oct 2018 at 10:06, Immo Blecher via qgis-za-user <
qgis-za-user at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> [image: Google Forms]
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> Fill in using Google Forms
> <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqaSxO1C6E8n48NQqqXZg18bRg-pw2UOlzg50ASLdDqedrhA/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link>
> Good Morning,
> Herewith the 1st call and invitation to our 5th QGIS User Group meeting on
> 23 November in Gauteng and Cape Town.
> While the Gauteng meeting earlier this year had to be cancelled due to
> only a few registrations the Cape Town meeting was well attended with
> interesting contributions from participants. I am sure that our upcoming
> meeting will be just as successful and interesting and that we get a lot of
> registrations for this last event this year.
> Please let us know on the registration form if you would like to present
> something or contact me directly.
> I will send out the programme with the second call in about 2 weeks time.
> See you all there!!!
> Regards
> Immo
> QGIS User Group South Africa - Meeting
> <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqaSxO1C6E8n48NQqqXZg18bRg-pw2UOlzg50ASLdDqedrhA/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link>
> Please indicate below whether you would like to attend our 5th South
> African QGIS User Group Meetings in Gauteng/Cape Town. Please do not
> register if you know now already that you will most probably not be able to
> make it. The organisation of these meetings takes a lot of time and effort
> which is dependent on the number of participants.
> You are encouraged to bring your PC/laptop to demonstrate something you
> have done or to try and find answers to problems you encounter. See you all
> there!
>    Email address *
>    QGIS User Group South Africa
>    [image: Captionless Image]
>    I would like to attend the user group meeting in... *
>    - Mowbray/Cape Town - 23 November 2018 - Venue: C-Block conference
>       room, DRDLR Chief Directorate: National Geo-spatial Information
>       - Midrand/Gauteng - 23 November 2018 - Eskom Academy of Learning,
>       Dale Rd, Komati House Building
>       - Not at this stage, but keep me posted!
>    I am also willing to help with the organisation of this meeting
>    - Yes, please contact me and let me know what I can do
>       - I don't have the time or resources right now, unfortunately
>    I want to present a talk, demonstration or other
>    - Yes, please contact me so that I can send you the details
>       - No, maybe next time
>    I and/or my company are willing to sponsor the meeting (coffee/tea,
>    lunch, drinks)
>    - Yes, please contact me so that we can arrange what is necessary
>       - No, not at this stage
>       - Other:
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Chris Berens, Pr.GISc
SAGC No.1308
+27 (0)82 567 9322
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